#!/usr/bin/perl -w -- # FF.pl - Find Friends of spam sites # Rev 5 # Thu Nov 28 11:02:49 EST 2002 # Tue Feb 18 07:48:05 EST 2003 - added scanning of redirects # Mon Jul 12 09:57:51 EDT 2004 - Updates and bug fixes. # Mon Jul 26 20:21:00 EDT 2004 - Updates and bug fixes. # # Written by Bruce Barnett # Using code from Chip Rosenthal unicom.com> # # e=Mail Contact: # ff01 < @at@> grymoire.com <= Harvesters enjoy! # Then increase the 2-digit number before the '@' # # # # Usage: FF - Find Friends # give FF a list of hostnames from standard input # The input is a list of hostnames, URL's or both. # FF then reads each one, and looks up name servers, mail servers, # aliases, and real names. It looks at URL's. It also follows # these recursively, finding hostnames in URL's, and repeating # the steps. When it stops, it sorts the results by IP address and # reports if the address is blocklisted. # This program is designed to find out who is supporting a # spammer or set of spammers. In other words, if an ISP is # spam friendly, this tool makes it easier to identify the ISP. # # Examples # # echo www.spammer.com | FF.pl # echo http://www.spammer.com/Mortgage/index.html | FF.pl # # FF.pl list_o_porn_sites # # FF.pl for latest version of this info ### # # The "default" tag is used if no other is given. Originally, # the default query was to "rbl". That's been deprecated since # the MAPS RBL is no longer public. I've selected a small number # of lists to use as the default. Of course, you are free to # change it if you don't like my selection. # #"default"=> "rbl", # "default"=> [qw(sbl rsl pdl opm relays)], #spamhaus "default"=> [qw(sbl xbl spamcop rsl pdl opm spews dsbl ordb cbl )], ### # # Spamhaus Block List # "sbl"=> "sbl.spamhaus.org", "xbl"=> "xbl.spamhaus.org", ### # # Relay Stop List # "rsl"=> "relays.visi.com", ### # # Pan-American Dailup List # "pdl"=> "dialups.visi.com", ### # # Open Relay Database # "ordb"=> "relays.ordb.org", ### # # Not Just Another Bogus List # "njabl"=> "dnsbl.njabl.org", ### # # Extreme Spam Blocking List # # "xbl"=> "xbl.selwerd.cx", ### # # "fiveten"=> "blackholes.five-ten-sg.com", ### # # SpamCop Block List # "spamcop"=> "bl.spamcop.net", ### # # Habeas Infringers List # "hil"=> "hil.habeas.com", ### # # RFC-Ignorant ipwhois list # "rfci"=> "ipwhois.rfc-ignorant.org", ### # # Open Proxy Monitor List # "opm-wingate"=> "wingate.opm.blitzed.org", "opm-socks"=> "socks.opm.blitzed.org", "opm-http"=> "http.opm.blitzed.org", "opm"=> "opm.blitzed.org", "opm-all"=> [qw(opm opm-wingate opm-socks opm-http)], ### "spews"=> "spews.rbldns0.sorb.net", "spews-a"=> "spews.rbldns0.sorbs.net", "spews1"=> "l1.spews.dnsbl.sorbs.net", "spews2"=> "l2.spews.dnsbl.sorbs.net", "sorbs"=> "dnsbl.sorbs.net", "sorbrelays"=> "relays.dnsbl.sorbs.net", # proxies/relays "dynablock"=> "dynablock.njabl.org", "cbl"=> "cbl.abuseat.org", "ahbl"=> "dnsbl.ahbl.org", "cn-kr"=> "cn-kr.blackholes.us", ### # # Distributed Server Boycott List # "dsbl-list"=> "list.dsbl.org", "dsbl-multihop"=> "multihop.dsbl.org", "dsbl-unconfirmed" => "unconfirmed.dsbl.org", "dsbl"=> [qw(dsbl-list dsbl-multihop dsbl-unconfirmed)], ### # # IDs for zones hosted by mail-abuse.org (MAPS) # # "rbl+"=> "rbl-plus.mail-abuse.org", "rbl"=> "blackholes.mail-abuse.org", "dul"=> "dialups.mail-abuse.org", "rss"=> "relays.mail-abuse.org", # alias for back-compatibility with original name # *** this tag deprecated as of 24-Feb-2002 "rrss"=> "rss", # aggregate of all MAPS zones "maps"=> [qw(rbl dul rss)], ### # # "all" aggregate - query all lists. # "all" => [qw(sbl rsl pdl ordb njabl xbl spamcop hil rfci opm-all dsbl maps spews1 spews2 sorbs sorbrelays cbl ahbl bsbl-list spews dynablock maps)] # ); # default command line values - adjust to yout liking.... $verbose = 0; $debug = 0; $do_block = 1; $do_mx = 0; $do_ns = 0; $do_rever = 1; $width = 0; $depth = 2; $level = 0; $do_url = 1; $ShowAddrFlag = 0; $timeout = 5; sub sortip { # sort by IP address my ($a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5) = $a =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+(\S)/; my ($b1,$b2,$b3,$b4,$b5) = $b =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+(\S)/; # printf(STDERR "%s === %s\n", $a5, $b5); $a1 <=> $b1 || $a2 <=> $b2 || $a3 <=> $b3 || $a4 <=> $b4 || $a5 <=> $b5 ; } sub newdomain { my ($h) = @_; if (defined($h)) { my $domain = get_domain($h); if (defined($domain)) { $domains{$domain}++; if ($debug && $verbose && $domains{$domain}==1) { printf("For host %s, new domain is %s\n", $h, $domain); } } elsif ($h =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) { # quad IP } } } sub get_domain { my ($host) = @_; my $domain; if (defined($host) && ($host =~ /[a-zA-Z]/)) { if ($host =~ /\.*([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+)\.*$/) { # get the domain part - only does top 2 levels $domain = $1; $domain = lc $domain; $domain .= "." unless ($domain =~ /\.$/); return $domain; } } return undef; } sub gethost_from_url { my ($url) = @_; my $host; my $urlpart; # Return the hostname part of the URL return undef if (!defined($url)); ($host,$url) = splithosturl($url); return $host; } sub newhost { # Add a new host to list, if new, then we have to do more work my ($host) = @_; $host = lc $host; (0 || ($debug>1) && $verbose ) && printf(STDERR "calling newhost(%s)\n", $host); # do I ignore it if ($host =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { # has to have at least one letter my $maindomain = get_domain($host); if (!defined($maindomain)) { $verbose && printf("Host '%s' has unknown domain \n", $host); } elsif ($ignore{$maindomain}) { return; } else { newdomain($maindomain); } if (!defined($hosts{$host})) { $hosts{$host} = 0; # First time seeing this host $more++; $verbose && printf("New host added '%s', %d more to do ( %s )\n", $host, $more, (defined($num_hosts) ? "$num_hosts" : "") ); } else { # printf("Old Host: %s\n", $host); } } elsif ($host =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) { $hosts{$host} = 0; } elsif (!defined($host)) { } elsif (length($host)==0) { } else { printf(STDERR "Ignoring invalid hostname: '%s'\n", $host); } } sub newurl { # Add a new URL to list, if new, then we have to do more work my ($url) = @_; newhost(gethost_from_url($url)); return if (ignore($url)); $verbose && $debug && printf("Url '%s' is NOT ignored\n", $url); if ($url =~ /^https*:\/\//) { if (!defined($urls{$url})) { ( $verbose ) && printf("Url '%s' not defined\n", $url); # Skip certain kinds of URL's if ($url =~ /\.jpg$/i) { } elsif ($url =~ /\.gif$/i) { } else { if ($level <= $depth) { $urls{$url} = 0; # First time seeing this host $more++; if ($verbose) { if ($debug) { printf("New url added '%s', more: %d [level: %d, depth: %d]\n", $url, $more, $level, $depth); } else { printf("New url added '%s', %d more to go (%s%s%s)\n", $url, $more, (defined($num_ips) ? "ips: $num_ips" : ""), (defined($num_hosts) ? " hosts: $num_hosts" : ""), (defined($num_urls) ? " urls: $num_urls" : "")); } } } } } else { # printf("Old url: %s\n", $url); } } else { printf(STDERR "Invalid url: '%s'\n", $url); croak "invalid url"; } # If host not defined, add it to list if ($url =~ /https*:\/\/.*@([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+)\//) { # Handle the case of http://www.usbank.com@ # newhost($1); } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([0-9a-zA-Z_.-]+)\//) { newhost($1); } } sub url_2_page { # Add a reference from a URL to a second URL my ($main, $called) = @_; my $found; # A new URL was found $debug && printf("Calling url_2_pages(%s,%s)\n", $main, $called); # if the domain is ignored, don't store it if ($called !~ /^https*:\/\//) { (0 || ($verbose && $debug)) && printf(STDERR "url_2_pages:: prepending '%s' to '%s'\n", $main, $called); $called = "$main/$called"; } if ($called =~ /^https*:\/\/[^\/]+$/) { (0 || ($verbose && $debug)) && printf(STDERR "url_2_pages:: appending / to url '%s'\n", $called); $called = "$called/"; } my $host = gethost_from_url($called); if (!defined($host)) { printf(STDERR "Host undefined in url: '%s'\n", $called);croak; } my $domain=get_domain($host); if (!defined($domain)) { $verbose && printf(STDERR "Domain undefined in url: '%s'\n", $called); } if (defined($domain) && length($domain) && !ignore($domain)) { $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "url_2_pages:: domain '%s' not ignored\n", $domain); return if ($called =~ /\.gif$/i); return if ($called =~ /\.jpg$/i); &newurl($called); # add it # Now check the reference list if (!defined($url_2_pages{$main})) { # just add it $url_2_pages{$main} = $called; $debug && printf("url_2_pages{%s}= '%s'\n", $main, $called); } else { # see if it's already added my @picks = split(/\t/, $url_2_pages{$main}); my $pick; $found = 0; for $pick (@picks) { if ($pick eq $called) { $found++; next; } else { # } } if (!$found) { # printf("adding to url_2_pages{%s}+= '%s'\n", $main, $called); $url_2_pages{$main} .= "\t$called"; } } } else { if (defined($domain) && $verbose ) { printf(STDERR "Domain '%s' ignored - skipping %d\n", $domain,$ignore{$domain});} } # printf("url_2_pages{%s} = %s\n", $main, $url_2_pages{$main}); } sub associate_host_ipaddr { # Associate a host with official IP address # Host may have many IP addresses # But each IP address can only have one host my ($host,$addr) = @_; $host = lc $host; if ($host !~ /\./) { printf(STDERR "associate_host_ipaddr got strange input: associate_host_ipaddr(%s,%s)\n", $host,$addr); } else { $ipaddresses{$addr}++; if (defined($host) && $host =~ /-1/) { $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = -1; # Mark it undefined } else { $host = lc $host; newhost($host); if (defined($host) && defined($addr) && !defined($ip_2_ohost{$addr})) { $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = $host; # First time seeing this host } elsif ($host eq $ip_2_ohost{$addr}) { # this is okay. Just a duplicate } elsif ($ip_2_ohost{$addr} =~ /-1/) { # We knew it existed, and have to add the address. Just what we expected $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = lc $host; } elsif (length($ip_2_ohost{$addr}) == 0) { # # We knew it existed, and have to add the address. Just what we expected $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = lc $host; } else { printf(STDERR "Warning, for IP address %s, official hostname was %s, wanted to change to %s\n", $addr, $ip_2_ohost{$addr}, $host); } } } } sub addhost_2_ipaddress { # Add a new host ->IP address to alias list # Note that one host may have several IP addresses # and one address may have several hostnames my ($host,$addr) = @_; $host = lc $host; $host =~ s/\.$//; (0 || ($verbose && $debug)) && printf(STDERR "addhost_2_ipaddress(%s,%s)\n", $host, $addr); return if ($addr =~ /127\.0\.0\.1/); # avoid spammer tricks $ipaddresses{$addr}++; newhost($host); #printf(STDERR "BGB %s is on %s\n", $host, $addr); # add name->ip entry $host_2_ip{$host}=$addr; # This is a problem - only one value here # But that's okay. We just want to know if there is an address. if ($do_rever) { my $hst; if (!defined($ip_2_ohost{$addr})) { my ($newname, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs); my @a = ($addr =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/); # Old code - without Net::hostent # if (($newname, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',@a), Socket::AF_INET()) ) { # associate_host_ipaddr($newname,$addr); # } else { # $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = -1; # can't resolve it # } $hst = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',@a)); if (!defined($hst)) { $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = -1; # can't resolve it } else { my $thost = $hst->name; $thost = lc $thost; associate_host_ipaddr($thost,$addr); # Official assignment based on rDNS } } # add ip->alias entry - but only if it's NOT the official name } if (defined($ip_2_ohost{$addr}) && ($ip_2_ohost{$addr} eq $host)) { # done } elsif (!defined($ip_2_alias{$addr})) { $ip_2_alias{$addr} = $host; # First time seeing this host $debug && $verbose && printf("NEW: ip_2_alias{%s} = %s\n", $addr, $ip_2_alias{$addr}); } else { $debug && $verbose && printf("ADDING %s to : ip_2_alias{%s} = %s\n", $host, $addr, $ip_2_alias{$addr}); my (@addrs) = split(/,/, $ip_2_alias{$addr}); my $add; my $hasit; foreach $add (@addrs) { $add = lc $add; (lc $host eq $add) && $hasit++; } if (!$hasit) { $ip_2_alias{$addr} .= ",$host"; ($debug) && printf("ip_2_alias[%s]{%s} .= %s\n", $ip_2_ohost{$addr}, $addr, $ip_2_alias{$addr}); } } } # # munge_server_spec - given a $server_spec (which consists of a list of # block list server zones and IDs), generate the @server_list (which is # a formal list of block list server zones). # sub munge_server_spec { warn q[usage: munge_server_spec($$server_spec)] unless (@_ == 1); my $server_spec = shift; my @server_list_result = ( ); my @spec_queue; my %did_server; my $t; @spec_queue = split(/[\s,]+/, $server_spec); while (@spec_queue > 0) { # grab next entry from the specification $_ = shift(@spec_queue); # if it might be a DNS zone then add it to our list if ((length($_)>0) && /\./) { push(@server_list_result, $_) if (! $did_server{$_}++); next; } # see if it is a tag we recognize if (defined($ZoneTags{$_})) { $t = $ZoneTags{$_}; # tags may refer to a single entry or an aggregate of entries if (ref($t) eq "ARRAY") { unshift(@spec_queue, @{$t}); } else { unshift(@spec_queue, $t); } } } return @server_list_result; } # # canonicalize_query() - Given a $query of some form (either a hostname # or hostaddr) produce a list of ($hostname, $hostaddr) pairs. The list # typically will have only a single entry. The exception is if a hostname # resolves to multiple addresses. # sub canonicalize_query { warn q[usage: canonicalize_query($query)] unless (@_ == 1); my $query = shift; my($addr, $name, $h); my @ret = (); if ($query =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) { # query specified as an address $addr = $query; $h = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($addr)); $name = ($h ? $h->name : undef); $name = lc $name; push(@ret, {'NAME' => $name, 'ADDR' => $addr}); } else { # query specified as a hostname $name = $query; # put dot on end to avoid searchlist #$name .= "." # unless ($name =~ /\.$/); $h = gethostbyname($name) or warn "$0: gethostbyname($name) failed\n"; foreach $addr (@{$h->addr_list}) { push(@ret, {'NAME' => $name, 'ADDR' => inet_ntoa($addr)}); } } return @ret; } # # query_zone() - Query for $addr within the block list published at $zone. # sub query_zone { warn q[usage: query_zone($addr, $zone)] unless (@_ == 2); my($addr, $zone) = @_; # put dot on end to avoid searchlist $zone .= "." unless ($zone =~ /\.$/); $addr =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ or warn "$0: bad address \"$addr\"\n"; return gethostbyname("$4.$3.$2.$1.$zone"); } sub do_block { warn q[usage: do_block($ipaddr)] unless (@_ == 1); my ($addr) = @_; my $result; my $query; my @query_list = canonicalize_query($addr); foreach $zone (@server_list) { next if (defined($unavailable_server_list{$zone})); $verbose && ($debug>1) && printf(STDERR "Zone: $zone\n"); foreach $query (@query_list) { my $starttime=time(); $h = query_zone($query->{ADDR}, $zone); # set unavailable_server to true if it took too long to do if ((time()-$starttime) > $timeout) { printf(STDERR "Zone $zone (query: %s) took %6.2f seconds, making unavailable\n", $query->{ADDR}, time-$starttime); $unavailable_server_list{$zone}++; } if (defined($h)) { $result .= " $zone"; } } } if ($result) { printf("%s LISTED by %s\n", $addr, $result); } } sub getswitches { # get command line arguments # parse arguments my ($usage) = 0; while ($#ARGV>=0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { my ($arg) = shift(@ARGV); $arg =~ /^-v$/ && ($verbose++,next); $arg =~ /^-(\d+)$/ && ($depth=$1,next); $arg =~ /^-w(\d+)$/ && ($width=$1,next); $arg =~ /^-d$/ && ($debug++,next); $arg =~ /^-d([0-9]+)$/ && ($debug=$1,next); # Support -d# $arg =~ /^-d=([0-9]+)$/ && ($debug=$1,next); # Support -d# $arg =~ /^-T=([0-9]+)$/ && ($timeout=$1,next); # Support -T=# $arg =~ /^-T([0-9]+)$/ && ($timeout=$1,next); # Support -T# $arg =~ /^-blk$/ && ($do_block++,next); $arg =~ /^-bl$/ && ($do_block++,next); $arg =~ /^-b$/ && ($do_block++,next); $arg =~ /^-BLK$/ && ($do_block=0,next); $arg =~ /^-B$/ && ($do_block=0,next); $arg =~ /^-url$/ && ($do_url++,next); $arg =~ /^-u$/ && ($do_url++,next); $arg =~ /^-URL$/ && ($do_url=0,next); $arg =~ /^-U$/ && ($do_url=0,next); $arg =~ /^-mx$/ && ($do_mx++,next); $arg =~ /^-m$/ && ($do_mx++,next); $arg =~ /^-MX$/ && ($do_mx=0,next); $arg =~ /^-M$/ && ($do_mx=0,next); $arg =~ /^-ns$/ && ($do_ns++,next); $arg =~ /^-n$/ && ($do_ns++,next); $arg =~ /^-NS$/ && ($do_ns=0,next); $arg =~ /^-N$/ && ($do_ns=0,next); $arg =~ /^-a$/ && ($do_rever++,next); $arg =~ /^-A$/ && ($do_rever=0,next); $arg =~ /^-x$/ && ($do_rever++,$do_mx++,$do_ns++,$do_url++,$do_block++,next); $arg =~ /^-/ && (printf(STDERR "Ignoring unknown option '%s'\n", $arg),$usage++,next); last; } while ($#ARGV >=0) { printf(STDERR "Ignoring argument %s\n", $ARGV[0]); shift (@ARGV); $usage++; } if ($usage) { printf(STDERR "Usage: %s [-vd] [-options] [-#] [-w#] \n", $0); printf(STDERR "\t\tIn general, capital letters implies DON'T do the option.\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-x => same as -a -m -n -u -b (MX/NS/URL/Domains/RBL's) \n"); printf(STDERR "\t-v => Enable Verbose mode\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-d => Enable Debug mode\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-# => Number indicates depth of search\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-w# => Number indicates width of search\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-m => Explore MX records\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-M => DON'T Explore MX records\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-n => Explore NameServer records\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-N => DON'T Explore NameServer records\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-a => Find offical addresses\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-A => DON'T find official addresses\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-blk => Lookup blocklists\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-b => Lookup blocklists\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-BLK => DONT'T Lookup blocklists\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-B => DON'T Lookup blocklists\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-url => Lookup URL links\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-u => Lookup URL links\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-URL => DON'T Lookup URL links\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-U => DON'T Lookup URL links\n"); printf(STDERR "\t-T# => Set timeout on blocklists to be #\n"); exit 1; } } sub ignore { # return true if I should ignore this URL my ($url) = @_; my $host = gethost_from_url($url); my $domain; # printf(STDERR "host: '%s'\n", $host); if (defined($host) && (length($host)>1)) { $domain= get_domain($host); if (defined($domain)) { $domain .= "." unless ($domain =~ /\.$/); (0 || $debug>2) && printf(STDERR "IGNORE? Host: %s, domain: '%s', url: '%s', ignored: %d\n", $host, $domain,$url,$ignore{$domain}); } } # if (defined($domain) && ($domain =~ /./) && (defined($ignore{$domain})) return 0 if (!defined($domain)); return 0 if ($domain =~ /^$/) ; return 1 if (defined($ignore{$domain})); return 0; } sub init { # initialize things $HOME=$ENV{"HOME"}; if ( -f "$HOME/.ff" ){ $verbose && ($debug>1) && printf(STDERR "opening %s/.ff\n", $HOME); open(MYFF,"$HOME/.ff"); while () { chomp; $_ .= "." unless /\.$/; $ignore{$_}++; $verbose && ($debug>1) && printf(STDERR "Ignore %s\n", $_); } } close(MYFF); } sub main { # Set up a resolver for future printf("#FF results as of %s\n", (strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime)); $|=1; &getswitches(); &init(); $debug && printf("Level: %d\n", $depth); if ($do_block) { @server_list = munge_server_spec("all"); # @server_list = munge_server_spec("default"); } my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; $res->tcp_timeout(1); $res->retry(1); $res->recurse(1); if ($verbose && ($debug>1)) { $res->debug(1); } else { $res->debug(0); } $res->defnames(0); $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout=>5, # max_redirect=>0 ); # Now read STDIN to get a list of hosts and/or web pages to check while (defined($line=<>)) { chomp $line; my (@list) = split(' ', $line); # $line =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; # print("Line: $line\n"); my $l; foreach $l (@list) { # Things might be just a host name, or a URL if ($l =~ /https*:\/\//) { # looks like a URL $l =~ s/.*"(https*:[^"]*)"/$1/; # trim it down $l=&cleanurl($l); # clean up URL $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "l: %s\n", $l); my ($hostpart,$urlpart) = &splithosturl($l); if (defined($hostpart)) { $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "newurl1: '%s'\n", $l); &newurl($l); } else { $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "url: '%s' missing host\n", $l); } } elsif ($l =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+$/) { # looks like a hostname newhost($l); # if URL seaching is done, then if ($do_url) { newurl("http://$l/"); } } else { printf(STDERR "can't parse '%s'\n", $l); } } } $done = 0; while (!$done) { $level++; # Increase search level by 1 $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "Starting loop %d\n", $level); $num_ips=%ip_2_ohost; $num_hosts=%hosts; $num_urls=%urls; $more = 0; if ($do_rever) { foreach $addr (keys %ip_2_ohost) { my $hst; my $a; my ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs); if (defined($ip_2_ohost{$addr})) { $debug && printf("Checking address $addr: %s\n", $ip_2_ohost{$addr}); my @a = ($addr =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/); # # if (($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $length, @addrs) = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',@a), Socket::AF_INET()) ) { # ($verbose) && printf("Addr: %s, name: %s, aliases: %s\n", $addr, $name, $aliases); $hst = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',@a)); if (!defined($hst)) { $verbose && printf(STDERR "cannot reverse lookup '$addr'\n"); $ip_2_ohost{$addr} = -1; # can't resolve it } else { $cwidth=0; foreach $a (@{$hst->aliases}) { $cwidth++; $debug && printf("*** addr: %s, host: %s, alias: %s\n", $addr, $hst->name, $a); if ($width==0 || $cwidth <=$width) { addhost_2_ipaddress($hst->name,$a); } } } } } } foreach $h (keys %hosts) { # look at by list of hosts my $ipaddress_only=0; $h =~ s/\.$//; if ($verbose && ($debug>1)) {printf(STDERR "Looking at host %s\n", $h);} if ($hosts{$h} == 0) { # first time I've seen this host. if ($h =~ /[a-zA-Z]/) { $domain=get_domain($h); if (defined($domain) ) { newdomain($domain); } } else { $ipaddress_only++; $ipaddresses{$h}++ } # if (!$ipaddress_only && $do_mx && !defined($host_2_mx{$h} && length($host_2_mx{$h}))) { # Do I have the MX records for this host? if (!$ipaddress_only && $do_mx && !defined($host_2_mx{$h} )) { # Do I have the MX records for this host? $verbose && printf(STDERR "Doing MX on %s\n", $domain); @mx = mx($domain); $host_2_mx{$h}=""; $cwidth=0; foreach $mx (@mx) { $cwidth++; ($verbose) && printf("MX for %s (%s) is %s\n", $h, $domain, $mx->exchange); if ($width==0 || $cwidth <=$width) { newhost($mx->exchange); if (lc $mx->exchange ne $h) { if (defined($host_2_mx{$h}) && (length($host_2_mx{$h})>1)) { $host_2_mx{$h} .= "," . lc $mx->exchange; } else { $host_2_mx{$h} = lc $mx->exchange; # NOTE This only gets the first one } } } } } if (!$ipaddress_only && $do_ns && defined($domain) && !defined($domain_2_ns{$domain}) && !defined($domain_invalid{$domain})) { # do I have the name servers? $res->defnames(0); $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "DNS? NS: $domain\n"); my $query = $res->query($domain,"NS"); if ($query) { $cwidth=0; foreach $ns ($query->answer) { if (($ns->type eq "NS") && defined($ns->nsdname)) { if ($ns->nsdname !~ /\./) { printf( STDERR "NS for %s (%s) is invalid - no dot in name: %s\n", $h, $domain, $ns->nsdname); $domain_invalid{$domain}++; } else { ($verbose) && printf( STDERR "NS for %s (%s) is %s\n", $h, $domain, $ns->nsdname); } } if (!defined($domain_invalid{$domain})) { if ($ns->type eq "NS") { $cwidth++; if ($width==0 || $cwidth <=$width) { newhost($ns->nsdname); if (defined($domain_2_ns{$domain})) { $domain_2_ns{$domain} .= "," . lc $ns->nsdname; # This gets the 2nd, etc. } else { $domain_2_ns{$domain} = lc $ns->nsdname; # This only gets the first one ($verbose && $debug) && printf(STDERR "Adding domain_2_ns{$domain}=%s\n",$ns->nsdname); } } } else { $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "Doing DNS lookup on %s, got answer type %s\n", $domain,$ns->type); } } else { # invalid name server } } } else { if ($res->errorstring !~ /NOERROR/) { print "query status on domain: ", $domain, "->", $res->errorstring, "\n"; if ($res->errorstring =~ /REFUSED/) { # ignore this domain. $domain_2_ns{$domain}=""; #defined but null - so don't ask again; } elsif ($res->errorstring =~ /SERVFAIL/) { # ??? what do I do with this? $domain_2_ns{$domain}=""; #defined but null - so don't ask again; } elsif ($res->errorstring =~ /NXDOMAIN/) { # this means name error - i.e. a bad domain $domain_2_ns{$domain}=""; #defined but null - so don't ask again; } } } } $h = lc $h; if (!$ipaddress_only && !defined($host_2_ip{$h})) { # get the IP address - NOTE - only gets one $h .= "." unless ($h =~ /\.$/); my $query = $res->search($h); if ($query) { $cwidth=0; ($debug) && printf(STDERR "XXX query returns %s and %s\n", $query->header, $query->answer); foreach $ns ($query->answer) { $cwidth++; if ($ns->type eq "A") { if ($width == 0 || $cwidth <= $width) { addhost_2_ipaddress($h,$ns->address); } } elsif ($ns->type eq "CNAME") { my $cname; $verbose && printf(STDERR "Address query on host $h returned type CNAME '%s'\n",$ns->string); if ($ns->string =~ /\S+\s+\d+\s+IN\s+CNAME\s+(\S+)\.\s*$/) { $cname = $1; newhost($cname); $verbose && printf(STDERR "Host $h is alias for %s\n",$cname); # Now look up address my $query2 = $res->search($cname); my $ns1; if (defined($query2)) { foreach $ns1 ($query2->answer) { if ($ns->type eq "A") { $verbose && printf(STDERR "Host %s(%s) has address %s\n", $h, $cname,$ns1->address); addhost_2_ipaddress($h,$ns1->address); addhost_2_ipaddress($cname,$ns1->address); } } } # else undefined - skip } else { $verbose && printf(STDERR "Host $h has strange CNAME value: %s\n",$ns->string); } } else { printf(STDERR "Address query on host $h returned type %s\n",$ns->type); } } } else { if ($verbose) { if (!defined($query)) { printf(STDERR "Host '$h' returns undefined query\n"); $query = $res->query($h,"A"); if ($query) { printf("Query->print %s\n",""); ($query->answer)[0]->print; my $p = Net::Ping->new(); if ($p->ping($h)) { printf(STDERR "Host $h returns undefined query but PING works!!! STRANGE\n"); } my $ptcp = Net::Ping->new("tcp",2); if ($ptcp->ping($h)) { printf(STDERR "Host $h returns undefined query but PING(tcp) works!!! STRANGE\n"); } } else { printf("Cannot get A record for host '%s'\n", $h); } } else { printf("Dumper: %s\n", Dumper($query)); if (defined(($query->answer))) { ($query->answer)[0]->print; } $query = $res->query($h,"A"); if ($query) { ($query->answer)[0]->print; } } } $verbose && printf(STDERR "Host $h doesn't seem to have an address\n"); } $hosts{$h}++; # done with this host } } } # Now do any URL's that have not been explored $verbose && printf("Check new URLS (loop %d of %d)\n", $level, $depth); if ($do_url && ($level <= $depth)) { my $i; my $ans; my @a; foreach $url (keys %urls) { my $trimurl = $url; $trimurl =~ s,/[a-zA-Z0-9\.#\&\?\=\,-]*$,,; $debug && printf(STDERR "URL: '%s' Trimurl: '%s'\n", $url, $trimurl); # Look up all URL's in the page this URL points to. # $url=safeurl($url); # make it safe if (!defined($url_2_pages{$url})) { # Have to look at page $ans = ""; $verbose && printf("GET '%s'\n", $url); $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$url); # my $redir=$ua->requests_redirectable(); # should this do something my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { my $content = $res->content; $content =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; if ($debug>3) { printf(STDERR "Content:: '%s'\n", $res->content); } #$content =~ s/href/\nhref/g; if ($content =~ /http-equiv=\"*refresh.*\"[\d]*;URL=([^\"]*)\"/) { # printf(STDERR "HERE1\n"); &url_2_page($url,$1); } elsif (!(($content =~ /head/i) || ($content =~ /html/i))) { if (length($content)==0) { # okay } else { $verbose && $debug && printf(STDERR "This URL (missing head/html) looks too strange to check out:: '%s'\n", substr($content,0,300)); # exit; } } else { # Look inside the URL to find more references # @a = split(/[\s<>]/, $content); @a = split(/[ <>]/, $content); foreach $i (@a) { (0 || ($debug>3) && (length($i)>1)) && printf(STDERR "Looking at '%s'\n", $i); my $orig_i = $i; if ($i =~ /href=\'mailto:([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\@([^\']*)\'/i) { 0 && printf("url %s contains: %s@%s\n", $url,$1,$2); newhost($2); # The next one deals with relative references } elsif ($i =~ /href=\'([a-zA-Z0-9.][^'\/]*)\'/i) { (0 || $verbose) && printf("Relative reference i0: %s/%s\n", $trimurl, $1); newurl("$trimurl/$1"); # another relative reference } elsif ($i =~ /href=\"([a-zA-Z0-9.][^"\/\?]*)\"/i) { (0 || $verbose && $debug) && printf("relative reference i1: '%s'/'%s' ('%s')\n", $trimurl, $1,$i); newurl("$trimurl/$1"); #is_redirect) { printf(STDERR "URL '%s' fails with redirect: %s\n", $url,$res->code); } elsif ($res->is_error) { $debug && $verbose && printf("URL[1] '%s' fails: %s\n", $url,$res->code); # $url_2_pages{$url} = "ERROR " . $res->status_line ; } else { $debug && $verbose && printf("URL[2] '%s' fails: %s\n", $url,$res->code); # $url_2_pages{$url} = "UNDEFINED\n"; } } else { ($debug>2) && printf("URL '%s' defined, contains: %s\n", $url, $url_2_pages{$url}); } if (defined($url_2_pages{$url})) { # printf("URL '%s' contains: %s\n", $url, $url_2_pages{$url}); } else { # printf("URL '%s' undefined\n", $url); } } } ($depth >= 0) && ($level > $depth) && $done++; (!$more) && $done++; } } # if ($url =~ /https*:\/\/.*@([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.0-9_-]+)\//) { # $host=$1; # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.0-9_-]+)\//) { # $host=$1; # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.0-9_-]+):\d+\//) { # $host=$1; # # # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.0-9_-]+)\//) { # $host=$1; # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.0-9_-]+)$/) { # $host=$1; # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([0-9.]+)\//) { # # dotted quad # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/([0-9.]+)$/) { # # dotted quad # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/.*@([0-9.]+)$/) { # # dotted quad # } elsif ($url =~ /https*:\/\/.*@([0-9.]+)\//) { # # dotted quad # } elsif ($url =~ /^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)$/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^([0-9]+[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)$/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^([0-9]+[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)$/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^([0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*)$/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^https*:\/\/([0-9]+[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)$/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^https*:\/\/([0-9]+[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^https*:\/\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)/) { # $host = $1; # } elsif ($url =~ /^https*:\/\/([0-9][0-9]*\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*)/) { # $host = $1; # } else { # printf(STDERR "I don't know how to get the hostname from url '%s'\n", $url); # } sub splithosturl { # split URL into hostpart and URL part my ($string) = @_; my ($host,$url); my $orig=$string; # Dumb spammer had # http://http://www.hottestrevues.com/candy.htm # $string =~ s,^http://http://,http://,; while ($string =~ /^https*:(.*)/) { $string = $1; } if ($string =~ /\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)/) { $host=$1; $url = $2; } elsif ($string =~ /\/\/([^\/]+)\?(.*)/) { $host=$1; $url = $2; } elsif ($string =~ /\/\/([^\/]+)$/) { $host=$1; } elsif ($string =~ /([\w\.]+)\.$/) { $host=$1; } elsif ($string =~ /([\w\.]+)$/) { $host=$1; } elsif ($string =~ /\/\//) { $host=undef; } else { printf(STDERR "Cannot parse URL[1]: '%s'\n", $string); croak; } if (defined($host)) { if ($host =~ /.*@(.*)/) { $host = $1; } if ($host =~ /(.*):\d+/) { $host = $1; } if ($host =~ /(.*)\?.*/) { $host = $1; } if ($host =~ /(.*)\'/) { #src="http://media.fastclick.net') $host = $1; } if ($host =~ /(.*)\)/) { #src="http://media.fastclick.net') $host = $1; } } if (defined($url)) { if ($url =~ /(.*)\#.*$/) { $url = $1; } } if ($verbose && $debug && defined($string) && defined($host) && defined($url)) { if (length($string)>(length($host)+length($url)+8)) { printf(STDERR "'%s' trimmed to HTTP://'%s'/'%s'\n", $string,$host,$url); } else { # printf(STDERR "HTTP://'%s'/'%s'\n", $host,$url); } } if (defined($host)) { if ($host =~ /^javascript/) { # skip } elsif ($host =~ /[^\w\.-]/) { printf(STDERR "Host has bad character: '%s', orig: '%s'\n", $host, $orig); $host="example.com"; #croak; } } return($host,$url); } sub cleanurl { my ($url) = @_; my ($orig) = $url; $url =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $url =~ s:/./:/:g; $url =~ s/#.*$//; if ($url =~ /(https*:\/\/[\w.]+$)/) { $url = "$url/"; } if ($url ne $orig) { printf(STDERR "URL '%s' changed to '%s'\n",$orig, $url); } return $url; } sub safeurl { my ($url) = @_; # $url =~ s/\014/%0C/; # $url =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; return $url; } sub find_url_in_string { my ($url, $string) = @_; # Given $url that contains string $string, if I find a HTTP reference, then # add it to the list of url's to check my $i = $string; if ($i =~ /.*>(https*:\/\/[^<]+) if ($i =~ /(https*:\/\/[^"]+)\"/i) { $i = $1; (0 || $verbose) && printf("Found : %s\n", $i); } if ($i =~ /\'\+document\.domain\+\'/) { # Extract domain #printf(STDERR "found document.domain\n"); my $domain; my $newi; if ($url =~ /http:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)/) { $domain = $1; $newi = $i; $newi =~ s/\'\+document\.domain\+\'/$domain/; #printf(STDERR "old i: $i, new i: $newi\n"); $i = $newi; } else { #printf(STDERR "url is %s\n", $url); } } (0 || $verbose) && printf("Looking>> at : %s\n", $i); if ($i =~ /^https*:\/\//) { &url_2_page($url,$i); } elsif ($i =~ /^href=(https*:\/\/.+)/) { &url_2_page($url,$1); } elsif ($i =~ /^href=(\"https*:\/\/.+)\"/) { &url_2_page($url,$1); } elsif ($i =~ /src=(https*:\/\/[^ ]*)[ ]/) { &url_2_page($url,$1); } elsif ($i =~ /src=(https*:\/\/[^ ]*)$/) { &url_2_page($url,$1); } elsif ($i =~ /src=[\'\"](https*:\/\/[^\"\']+)[\'\"]/) { &url_2_page($url,$1); } elsif ($i =~ /src=[\'\"](https*:\/\/[^\"\']+)[\'\"]/) { &url_2_page($url,$1); } else { $verbose && printf(STDERR "This URL part looks too strange to check out:: '%s', while on page '%s'\n", $i, $url); } } sub printthem { # New version my @strings; my $s; my $address; my @aliases; my $alias; my $hostname; # printf("#%-17s %27s %25s %25s\n", "IP Address", "Host name", "Name Server", "Mail Server"); foreach $h (keys %ipaddresses) { if (defined($ip_2_ohost{$h})) { if ($ip_2_ohost{$h} =~ /-1/ ) { push(@strings,sprintf("%-17s ?",$h)); } else { push(@strings,sprintf("%-17s %s",$h,$ip_2_ohost{$h})); } } else { push(@strings,sprintf("%-17s ???????",$h)); } } foreach $s (sort sortip @strings) { $domain=""; if ($s =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { $address = $1; $hostname=$2; if ($hostname =~ /([^.]+\.[^.]+)$/) { $domain = $1; } if ($do_block) { do_block($address); } printf("%-17s %25s ", $address, $hostname); if (defined($host_2_mx{$hostname}) && (length($host_2_mx{$hostname})>1)) { printf("\tMX: %s", $host_2_mx{$hostname}); } } else { printf("%s ", $s); } printf("\n"); # Now print aliases if (!defined($address)) { printf(STDERR "Warning, address for '%s' was undefined\n", $s); } else { if (defined($ip_2_alias{$address})) { (@aliases) = split(/,/, $ip_2_alias{$address}); foreach $alias (sort @aliases) { $alias =~ s/^\s+//; printf("%17s %25s", " | alias:", $alias); if (defined($host_2_mx{$alias}) && (length($host_2_mx{$alias})>1)) { printf("\tMX: %s", $host_2_mx{$alias}); } printf("\n"); } } } } foreach $domain (sort keys %domain_2_ns) { printf("%s Name servers:\t%s\n", $domain, $domain_2_ns{$domain}); } foreach $url (sort keys %url_2_pages) { printf("%s contains\n\t%s\n", $url, join("\n\t",split(/[\t]/, $url_2_pages{$url}))); } } &main(); &printthem(); exit 0;